Travel Vaccines Dubai

Traveling far and wide appeals greatly to a huge variety of people, regardless of race, religion, age, or gender.  As humans, we are naturally inquisitive, and many thrive off adventure and new challenges. Therefore, many of us are attracted to visiting undeveloped places, for our own experiences or to improve the lives of those who inhabit these places, by undertaking volunteer work and development projects.

There’s no doubt that traveling can be exciting and life changing. But traveling often comes with certain dangers. None more so than some of the deadly diseases that can be caught whilst on the road.  Some of these diseases can be present in developed, first world nations, so it is vital to do plenty of research before you travel.

Here’s some of the deadliest diseases to avoid of whilst traveling the world:


Malaria is a serious tropical disease that is contracted via the bite of an infected mosquito. If Malaria isn’t diagnosed early and treated correctly it can prove fatal. It is possible to contract Malaria from one single mosquito bite, so ensuring you protect yourself from being bitten is the best way to remain Malaria free.

Malaria affects the red blood cells in the body making them rupture and cause the above symptoms. As the disease progresses, the infected person’s spleen and liver enlarge. In the long-term Malaria can cause anaemia or jaundice and potentially death, especially if left untreated.


Typhoid Fever is a bacterial infection that can cause damage to many vital organs throughout the body. Typhoid can be contagious, and an infected person can pass the bacteria out of their body through their faeces or urine.  This can in turn contaminate food or water leading to transmission between people.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver and in some cases can lead to liver failure. The disease can be transmitted through contaminated water or uncooked foods, so avoidance can be difficult.

Hepatitis A isn’t commonly associated with long-term damage to the body. Despite this, symptoms have been known to last up to 6-9 months and in some situations, sufferers may experience liver failure.

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever is a serious infection that like Malaria is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Yellow Fever can often present as a short-lived illness, however in around 15% of people the fever can cause serious and potentially fatal damage.

Yellow Fever can reduce liver function which causes jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes.  This gives the disease its name, ‘Yellow Fever.’  This intense liver damage that lead to internal and external bleeding causing shock, coma and potentially, death.


Giardiasis is an infection that effects the digestive system and is caused by tiny parasites called Giardia Intestinalis.

Although most people recover well if treated properly, Giardiasis infection can cause long term gastrointestinal complications in some people.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial disease that is released into the body following the bite of an infected tick.

If left untreated Lyme disease can cause serious damage to the body including loss of movement in one or both sides of the face, joint pains, headaches and heart palpitations. Over months or years suffers of Lyme Disease can experience repeated episodes of joint pain and swelling. Some people also develop shooting pains in their arms and legs.

Avoiding the worst diseases whilst travelling can be tough! Dr. Barbara Karin Vela’s key piece of advice is to prepare; vaccinate before you begin your travels and educate yourself about the worst travel diseases in the countries that you’re visiting.

Book your consultation with Dr. Barbara Karin Vela, she will be able to advise of the dangers you may encounter and the best preventative methods you can take to ensure your trip is safe, stress-free, and happy.

Dr Barbara Karin Vela is an International Member of Royal College Of General Practitioners, UK

Travel Vaccines Dubai | 25 March 2022