Mammogram Dubai
A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breast and surrounding tissue. A screening mammogram is used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. A diagnostic mammogram is used to check for breast cancer after a lump or other symptom of the disease has been found.
The main benefit of a mammogram is that it has the potential to detect breast cancer early. Early detection means earlier treatment, possibly before it has spread, resulting in a reduction in breast cancer deaths. It also means that many more women being treated for breast cancer are able to keep their breasts. When caught early, the chance of localized cancers is high, meaning the cancer can be removed without resorting
to breast removal (mastectomy).
The Risks of Mammograms
Some women may worry about the risk of radiation exposure from a mammogram, but modern-day mammography involves very little radiation. Another possible mammography risk is the potential for a false negative, which is when breast cancer can hide behind normal breast tissue.
Additionally, mammography can identify an abnormality that may look like cancer, but, in reality, is completely benign. This is called a false positive. A false positive results in more tests and follow-up visits, not to mention additional stress and worry.
Mammograms by Age
In screening for breast cancer, mammograms can be a useful tool to find breast cancer when it is early and potentially most curable. Professional societies
differ in their recommendations, but Dr Karin Vela recommends mammograms annually, beginning at age 40 until age 74.
Women 75 and older should continue screening if they are in good health and are expected to live 10 or more years.
Screening may start earlier or include other test methods, such as 3D mammography, ultrasound, or breast MRI for patients with dense breasts or a family history of breast cancer. Each woman should discuss screening with Dr Karin Vela to decide what is best or her.
Mammogram Dubai Results
Most screenings show two views of each breast, taken at different angles. Pictures are taken of both breasts to compare any abnormalities. While they’re looking for cancer, doctors may come across other masses in the breast such as calcifications, fibroadenomas and cysts.
Your mammography report will also determine your breast density. Things that can affect your breast density include your family history (genetics), being pregnant, and using estrogen hormone therapy. Your age can also make a difference. Breast tissue in younger women tends to be denser than in older women who have been through menopause.
The more dense a breast is, the harder it is to see cancer on a mammogram image. That’s because dense tissue looks white on screen, just like cancer does.
Breast cancer tends to grow in dense breast tissue more often than in fatty breast tissue. So having dense breasts may slightly increase your risk for breast cancer.
On its own, breast density is not a major risk factor for cancer. Your overall risk is based on facts like how old you are, whether you’ve ever had breast cancer before, and whether any of your close relatives, such as your mother or sister, have had breast cancer. If you have dense breasts, discuss your options for screening with Dr Karin Vela to determine which method is best for you.
The main advantage of having them read immediately is that if there is anything suspicious, you can get additional imaging done right away – a close-up mammogram or an ultrasound.
Dr Barbara Karin Vela is an International Member of Royal College Of General Practitioners, UK
Mammogram Dubai | 20 April 2022