It’s a matter of fact that for a long period of time, Dr. Barbara, a reliable general practictioner in Dubai, has noticed a remarkable rise in Vitamin D insufficiency. As a medical professional, she explains that this nutrient is very much crucial for a full and strong body. In this article, Dr. Barbara talks about her observations of Vitamin D deficiency, mentioning among other things its causes, signs, and methods of therapy.

What is Vitamin D Deficiency?

Dr. Barbara says “the Vitamin D insufficiency occurs because the Vitamin D level in an individual’s blood becomes too low.”

Vitamin D is necessary for:

  • Retaining sturdy bones and teeth
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Regulating mood and reducing depression
  • Helping with weight loss


Common Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Dr. Barbara has singled out various items that result in Vitamin D deficiency:

  • Incomplete sunlight exposure
  • High melanin in the skin
  • Overweight
  • Specific medical conditions
  • Increasing age


Recognizing the Symptoms

Dr. Barbara points out the fact that Vitamin D deficiency can come out variously.  She recurrently sees the following symptoms visible in the patients:

  • Weakness and excessive fatigue
  • Severe bone and muscle pain and weakness
  • Severe pain in muscles or cramps
  • Altered moods, particularly depressed moods


Diagnosing Vitamin D Deficiency

Dr. Barbara usually diagnoses Vitamin D deficiency using a quick blood assay known as the 25-hydroxy vitamin D test. This test tells the amount of Vitamin D available in the body.


Treatment Options for Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Dietary modifications
  • Regulated sunbath

Bimonthly appointments with Dr. Barbara are recommended to monitor the progress and determine any suitable additional treatment for Vitamin D deficiency.


Vitamin D deficiency in Dubai: prevention is key.

Dr. Barbara repeatedly stresses the relationship between health and wealth.  She recommends a healthy dietary regimen and keeping a good physical shape to reduce the risks of vitamin D deficiency.

Book your consultation today with Dr. Barbara and start your journey to treat your Vitamin D deficiency.