Inflammation of the pharynx, located in the back of the throat, is referred to as pharyngitis. The most common term used to describe it is “sore throat.” In addition to scratchiness in the throat, pharyngitis can make it difficult to swallow.

The most frequent cause of sore throats is viruses. Viral infections like the common cold, the flu, or mononucleosis are the most frequent causes of pharyngitis. Antibiotics have no effect in viral infections, and the only purpose of treatment is to lessen symptoms. Pharyngitis is occasionally brought on by a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are necessary for bacterial infections. Group A streptococcus, which causes strep throat, is the most typical cause of bacterial infections of the throat. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Corynebacterium are uncommon causes of bacterial pharyngitis.

Normally, the incubation phase lasts between two and five days. Depending on the underlying illness, pharyngitis has a variety of accompanying symptoms.In addition to a sore, dry, or scratchy throat, a cold or flu may cause:

– fatigue

– body aches

– chills

– fever

– sneezing

– runny nose

– headache

– cough

In addition to a sore throat, the symptoms of mononucleosis include:

– swollen lymph nodes

– severe fatigue

– fever

– muscle aches

– general malaise

– loss of appetite

– rash

If Dr. Barbara Karin Vela suspects another cause of your pharyngitis, they may order blood work. A small sample of blood from your arm or hand is drawn and then sent to a lab for testing. This test can determine whether you have mononucleosis. A complete blood count (CBC) test may be done to determine if you have another type of infection.