Mammogram Dubai | 27 January 2022

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among the female population in the United Arab Emirates, with over 1,000 cases per year. The survival rate from the disease has been steadily improving over time, and now over 75% of all women diagnosed with breast cancer are alive 10 years later; and over 98% of women with breast cancers detected by screening are alive 5 years later.

Screening women between the ages of 40 and 49 will reduce the chance of a woman dying from breast cancer by 25% and annual screening after the age of 50 can reduce the chance of dying from breast cancer by 25-30%.

Simply put, the earlier cancer is detected, the quicker treatment can be administered, and the survival rate is much higher. This is why regular screening appointments are so important as they ensure any early signs of cancer are detected.

Dr. Barbara Karin Vela recommends that all women should start having regular screening appointments from the age of 40. She also recommends annual screening, as opposed to every three years, to ensure any abnormalities are identified at the earliest possible stage.

Dr. Barbara Karin Vela understands that going for a breast screening mammogram is often a daunting and uncomfortable experience. This is why she’s taken every step to ensure you feel at ease and cared for every step of the way. Every mammogram appointment has 30 minutes allocated, meaning the examination isn’t rushed or stressful, and you have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you wish.

Of course, it is Dr. Barbara Karin Vela that really makes the difference to each person’s visit. Our lead mammographer has many years of experience, making sure that our radiologists receive the clearest images to spot any slight abnormalities. With her calm and friendly demeanour, she ensures that everyone in her care feels as relaxed and looked after as possible.

Dr Barbara Karin Vela is an International Member of Royal College Of General Practitioners, UK

Mammogram Dubai | 27 January 2022