Pneumonia Dubai | 22 December 2021

Dr. Barbara Karin Vela will try to classify your type of pneumonia to help guide your treatment.

Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)

This is the most common form of pneumonia because you can catch it in public places, such as at school or work. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. You can also develop CAP after you get a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu or the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. Various types of bacteria can be responsible for the illness. In most cases, the bacteria will enter the lung during inhalation, then travel into the bloodstream, potentially causing damage to other organs and systems in the body.

Viral CAP, particularly the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), is the most common cause of pneumonia in children younger than one year old. Although cases of viral pneumonia are often relatively mild, infections caused by certain flu viruses can be very serious. So can infections caused by coronaviruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS) and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. 

Antibiotics are ineffective against viral pneumonia. 

Fungal CAP is most common in people with an underlying health problem or a weakened immune system, including those with HIV or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia

As the name suggests, this develops during a hospital stay for a different health problem. People who are on machines to help them breathe are particularly prone to developing hospital-acquired pneumonia. Hospital-acquired pneumonia usually needs to be treated in the hospital with intravenous antibiotics.

Aspiration Pneumonia

This can develop after a person inhales food, drink, vomit, or saliva into their lungs. Once your lungs have been irritated by breathing in food or stomach contents, a bacterial infection can develop. A strong gag reflex or cough will usually prevent aspiration pneumonia, but you may be at risk if you have a hard time swallowing or have a decreased level of alertness.

Opportunistic Infection

Finally, Pneumocystis pneumonia is a fungal pneumonia that is extremely rare in healthy people but develops in people with a weakened immune system; it’s often referred to as an opportunistic infection. You’re at risk for this type of pneumonia if you have a chronic lung disease, have HIV or AIDS, or have had an organ transplant.

Dr Barbara Karin Vela is an International Member of Royal College Of General Practitioners, UK

Pneumonia Dubai | 22 December 2021